Now we are in the second lesson
about writing a business document. Do you still remember the first one??? You
have to remember that because you will get lost in this lesson if you don’t….
Audience….you might wondering why
do I need to address the audience specifically in a business document??? It is
not a presentation or public speaking when I need to stand in front of the public?? So, why should I ?? If you are reading the first lesson then you
will get the answer right away….pssttt… is in the end of the lesson…
Now, let’s focus on the real
thing,,, what do you want with the audience and how do you get it. The first
answer is in your plan of course …assuming you understand the first lesson….Then
the problem you have now is how. How to achieve it? First, you need to capture
their attention. Do you really want your hard work stuck in the middle of your managers piles of documents?? Goodbye promotion.....
That is why, you have to grab their attention
to be noticed. Capturing their attention is not an easy task but it is not
Getting to the point quickly can
make the audience turn their heads straight to your document. Stating the main point of the document first will grab their attention faster than fancy jargons. Imagine how your boss
reacts when he or she reads an increasing 50% in sales simultaneously for three
years or 40% production efficiency through new method. They won’t think of any
other thing besides your document. So after catching their attention, you need
to maintain their focus by writing valuable things related to the issue.
Valuable information or analysis
will grasp the whole attention of your audience. Please make sure that after
the most valuable information is stated, there are more values to come. The
straightforward documents with many important values will engage the
audience. You surely can do this two
steps by writing down the most important things – what do you want to say, and all
the values you want to emphasize in this document…. but please do remember to
left the odd things out.
I think this is all for today,,,
the next session is still about audience….just wait for it!!!
written by ClaudyaLita
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